Sunday, March 1, 2009

if i was a better blogger, you'd already know this. . .

So as you may have noticed, I'm pretty bad at keeping up with this thing. Some pretty big things have happened in the past month and a half and here are the top ten things that have happened to me since the last time I blogged. . .

1. Our new President was innauggerrated? (two n's? two g's? two r's? I dont know!) He's seems pretty cool, he plays basketball and he likes to spend money. I think we'd get along really well. Oh wait, he likes the White Sox, what an idoit. . .

2. I got fired - I mean, "laid off". It sounds so much nicer and so much not-my-fault-er when you say it that way. . .

3. Melissa and I finally succumbed to the J.D. Greear Empire. We decided to commit to the Summit Church's West Club Campus. . .

4. I cooked a pork roast for the first time. It was good. Then I left it on the counter and turned my back, and Oreo ate it. Close to 2 lbs. of meat disappeared in a little under 90 seconds. It was impressive. . .

5. Despite being unemployed for a month, I still haven't read the books I got for Christmas. . .

6. My dad and I built a fence for our yard, so Oreo won't run away. It's a little crooked and Oreo still finds ways our of it, but it was a fun father-son bonding experience. . .

7. I started watching Lost for like 2 episodes and then I gave up. . .

8. I got a new job at Agape Corner School with my boy Logan. Pretty soon Logan is going to replace Chad as my best friend because he's way more musically talented and better looking. . .

(If you don't know who Logan is, just listen to the song "The Future" on Chad's The Overlapse CD - Logan is the one that doesn't sound terrible. . .)

9. I started tweeting on Twitter. Logan convinced me to do it - not really because of anything he said, but more because he does it himself and I want to be like him. When I'm on Twitter it makes me feel cutting-edge. I'm not really sure yet why I do it, but something tells that people's lives will be better if they know what I'm doing every moment of the day. . .

10. The driver-side door handle on my Buick LeSabre (that means "the sword")inexplicably stopped working. I have to open the back seat door and reach to the front and open it from the inside. It is annoying. . .

So that pretty much sums up the last 6 weeks of my life. Be my Twitter friend!